Symptomatic Response

TREMFYA® separated from placebo in symptomatic response as early as Week 1

Post Hoc: Symptomatic Response1*†

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Symptomatic response data through Week 12 were post hoc analyses and not adjusted for multiplicity. No statistical or clinical significance can be made.

Symptomatic response was defined as a decrease from induction baseline in the symptomatic Mayo score by ≥30% and ≥1 point, with either a ≥1-point decrease from baseline in the rectal bleeding subscore or a rectal bleeding subscore of 0 or 1. The symptomatic Mayo score was defined as the sum of the stool frequency and the rectal bleeding subscores.1

CI=confidence interval; IV=intravenous.

Endoscopic Remission

Over 1/3 of all patients on TREMFYA® achieved complete endoscopic remission (MES=0) at 1 year*†‡

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Endoscopic remission of the biologic/JAKi-naïve population at 1 year was a prespecified endpoint but not adjusted for multiplicity. No statistical or clinical significance can be made.

Use the lowest effective recommended dosage to maintain therapeutic response.


Endoscopic remission of the biologic/JAKi-naïve population at 1 year was a prespecified endpoint but not adjusted for multiplicity. No statistical or clinical significance can be made.

Use the lowest effective recommended dosage to maintain therapeutic response.

*Week 44 of the maintenance study was defined as 1 year.

Endoscopic remission (normalization) was defined as an endoscopy subscore of 0.1

The modified Mayo score includes the 3-component Mayo score (stool frequency, rectal bleeding, and endoscopy subscores) without the physician’s global assessment.2

JAKi=Janus kinase inhibitor; MES=Mayo Endoscopic Subscore; q4w=every 4 weeks; q8w=every 8 weeks; SC=subcutaneous.

Endoscopic Imagery

See the difference with endoscopic imagery

From a real patient on TREMFYA® who was in endoscopic remission at Week 44



Week 0



Week 44

Image one
Image two

This image is of sections of an actual patient's colon from the QUASAR study. Individual results may vary.

MES=Mayo Endoscopic Subscore.


Schedule a meeting with a local representative of Johnson & Johnson

References: 1. Data on file. Janssen Biotech, Inc. 2. TREMFYA® [Prescribing Information]. Horsham, PA: Janssen Biotech, Inc.